Yet another rubbish night's sleep and no real change today. Ear still throbbing, hearing in mono getting
tedious and the world still spinning nicely. Had several spin outs yesterday and it seems I'm going to have to wait a while before I stop feeling like I've just stepped off a ferry.
Had some friends over last night and chanced a couple of
Stellas which weirdly enough made me feel more balanced! Looking forward to my new found medicine tonight.

8 days left until I have the packing taken out of my ear, can't wait, it's going to be nice to hear in stereo again. Got my stag do a week after that which is gonna be tricky given the fact that we're doing a pub crawl in the Mumbles on stand up paddle boards! Rumours abound that my caring mates will protect my ear by cling filming my head - something to look forward to.
Managed to get some work done in between the bouts of apparent seasickness. Lots to do for
the Cornwall show next week as we'll have the
Ollypop stand there for the first time. New
'Kipper's Knickers' gear arriving by the end of the week hopefully.
Anyway, got another wave of
dizziness coming on so I'll leave you with a nice shot of my throbbing lug hole taken on my phone this morning....
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