Well that was a pretty hectic few days at the Cornwall Show but worth it with the Ollypop hoodies and towels proving popular. By day three all the team were pretty knackered but feeling nicely toned from the countless pop-up demos we had to give! I reckon I totalled around 200 pop-ups but aside from working well as a surf aid, the towels really do double up as a good surf exercise routine.
Anyway, the ear is now painless which is good but still the hearing is intermittent. It feels a bit like having water in my ear - every now and again it unblocks and for a few blissful moments I can hear in stereo before going back to mono again. When I do finally get full hearing back again I won't be taking if for granted that's for sure.

Oh, I did promise a photo of the packing which came out last Wednesday so here it is - not as spectacular as I'd hoped!
Was reasonably painless having it taken out but the ear did bleed a bit and I've had blood oozing out on the pillow at night.
Anyway, the good news is that I should be back in the water in 3 weeks time and it's flat at the moment so I'm not missing much.
Best of luck with the recovery. I have now had both ears drilled; 2 ops 3 months apart last year (in Derriford) and almost a year out of the briny. I was hoping that with widened ear canals the water would now drain out of my head like out of a bucket with two holes in the side. Sadly not, I seem to have had just as much ear trouble as before. Despite wearing plugs I've had 3 ear infections this year alone (and I only have two ears), water still gets trapped, can't clear my ears any more easily at depth, no special powers- can't hear through walls or ladies clothing. Moan, moan what's the point etc.. at least i can still surf!
ReplyDeleteJames B (ageing N.Cornwall Longboarder)
I should add that it's just been pointed out to me by my offspring that in fact I can't really surf which is why a) I ride a longboard and b) why they bought me an Ollypop towel last Christmas. At least I don't wet the bed...
ReplyDeleteOh dear, outlook not great then James! At least I know what to expect then. Best of luck with the surfing and Ollypopping!